Spring is the beginning of the lawn care calendar. During the spring, increase the frequency of mowing and gradually lower the height of the cut to normal summer cutting height, feed the lawn with an application of spring lawn feed.
Spring is the beginning of the lawn care calendar. During the spring, increase the frequency of mowing and gradually lower the height of the cut to normal summer cutting height, feed the lawn with an application of spring lawn feed.
This is the time of year to apply a special
”slow release” no-scorch granular fertilizer and an application of another selective liquid herbicide.
When late summer arrives an application of special “slow-release” no-scorch granular fertilizer will be applied with a specialist, selective herbicide that targets the hardier types of lawn weeds.
As winter approaches it is time to apply an application of light moss control and liquid feed. This treatment prepares the lawn for the coming months and helps reduce the growth.